Setting the Global Standard in Additive Manufacturing

Accelerate your business success with QualifiedAM

1. AM Business Value Assessment

The method to enable predictability and accountability within AM driven business creation processes
The method which enables business planning based on real costs.

2. Supply Chain Set-up

Setting up a proper supply chain in Additive Manufacturing involves coordinating various activities to ensure efficient production, distribution, and delivery of 3D-printed products based on ISO/ASTM standards.

3. Part Specific Manufacturiung Process Validation

A part specific manufacturing process validation refers to the systematic and documented evidence that the manufacturing process for a specific part consistently produces a product that meets its predetermined specifications and quality requirements. This validation process is essential to ensure the reliability and repeatability of the Additive Manufacturing process and the potential variability in material properties and printing conditions, based on ISO/ASTM standards.

Project Partners:

4. Certifiction - The Qualified AM Standard

Assess, set-up and qualify your processes for excellence!

The standardised Qualified AM Programm is made to enabel growth and scalability of AM. It assures the success within industrial AM space. It prepares the manufacturers to achieve qualified processes to be used for approval within regulated and demanding industries. It enabels acountability and sclability of am solutions.

Standards in Additive Manufacturing offers faster production, lower costs, and improved product quality. To ensure quality, standardized standards are necessary. Adopting these standards guarantees parts are produced to the highest quality.

Business Modles
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qualified & trained AM production sites
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Qualified supply chains projects with more than 10 suppliers
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ISO/ASTM standards in creation
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Membership of Networks and Projects:


Making Europe the first digitally led circular, climate-neutral and sustainable economy needs major changes across manufacturing: efficiencies in energy and material consumption, new solutions to problems in certification and standardisation, and upskilling of the European workforce.

We are funded to define an on-line monitoring and a qualification and certification scheme for laser factories,
processes, and complex parts.


Certified Suppliers:
